October 2018 Meeting Minutes

Posted on: Oct 29, 2018 | Comments (0)

October 9, 2018 ANNUAL MEETING
12 noon – St. John’s Episcopal Church Lower Room

1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: President Karen Pellegrini called the meeting to order at 1:20 pm. Approximately 35 members were in attendance. The minutes from the September 11, 2018 meeting and the Annual Meeting in December 2017 have been posted on the website and sent by email to all members.

2. WELCOME: Karen welcomed all members and guests to the WGC Annual Meeting. Before starting the business portion of the meeting, the members enjoyed a potluck luncheon. Thanks were provided to the Hospitality Committee (Betty Iannitelli and Jeanne Roy) for the beautiful set up and spread. On behalf of the Club, Karen presented Robin Clutz with a small thank you gift for her years of service to the Club as Treasurer.

3. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Karen provided a summary of the Club’s goals for 2018 and highlights of activities using a slide show presentation including photographs for the members.
a. An important focus this year was on community outreach. The Club is starting to see some new members as a result and is increasing the Club presence in the town.
b. A second focus this year was on the related topic of member engagement and increasing the opportunities for members to participate in Club activities. Two new opportunities were shared: the Club is seeking an Historian to update the WGC History booklet and consider creating a scrapbook, and someone to provide assistance to local schools to encourage participation in a GCFM poetry contest (with cash awards).
c. The Club also devoted time and resources this year to the Sally Tenney Osborne Memorial Garden and photos of the progress were shared. A $500 grant was received from the GCFM to help with these expenses. A suggestion was made that a sign be placed at the STO Garden identifying WGC.

4. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Maria Siskind shared a few comments about activities this year including the plant sales and new signage. An accomplishment this year was obtaining the device and technology to accept credit cards at sales.

5. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY’S REPORT: Anne Tiffany shared the notes and gifts sent and received this year; thanks given to the generosity of former members who suggest the Club as a recipient of memorial donations. Anne sends notes and thank you cards throughout the year for all gifts as well as get well and condolence cards.

6. RECORDING SECRETARY’S REPORT: Susan Montiel reported that a standard template is now used for monthly minutes which are posted on the Club website for all members to read.

7. TREASURER’S REPORT: Susan Montiel, interim Treasurer, provided a full report: a. FY2018 summary: income was above budget and expenses were below, an overview of all club assets was provided, and the books were in balance. The Club has retained the services of Michael McConnell, a local CPA, to prepare the end-of-year tax reports and to generally advise on the Club’s financial procedures.
b. An overview of the WGC assets held by the Berkshire Taconic Community Fund was highlighted and discussed. The Club is the owner of one fund, the Williamstown Garden Club Fund, established in 1998 and managed by BTCF. The Club is also the beneficiary (but not owner) of the charitable fund established by Sara Tenney Osborne. The Club receives an annual distribution from the STO Fund and may use the funds for any of the Club’s usual charitable purposes; the expenditures are not limited to the STO Memorial Garden and are not shared with the Milne Library; the Milne Library is the recipient of a separate endowment managed by BTCF.
c. FY2019: proposed budget was shared with the Club, both via the slide show and by handout, comparing income and expenses over the last three fiscal years. Members held a lengthy discussion regarding various items. A motion was made and seconded to increase the spending category scholarships by $500 to be donated to the GCFM scholarship fund. Following this discussion, a second motion was made and seconded to reduce that amount to $250, which motion (for $250) passed on voice vote, and the first motion was withdrawn. As amended, the FY 2019 budget was approved. A copy of the approved FY2019 budget is attached to these minutes.
d. Susan shared examples of the type of reporting available to the Board using our new bookkeeping software.

8. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR’S REPORT: Marilyn Faulkner summarized all membership statistics; as of October 1, 2018, the Club has 78 members. Two new members were welcomed: Deborah Langner and Grant Sun. A key focus this year was to reach new members through a Club presence at the Holiday Walk, two Farmers’ Markets, the South Williamstown Hay Day celebration at the Williamstown Historical Museum, a slide at Images, the Club plant sales and new signage posted throughout the town.

a. Elaine Neely, Perennials, provided a summary of Field Park activities and expressed her gratitude for the additional assistance this year; additional members are still needed. Elaine also shared the award received from the Williamstown Grange, naming the Club as the recipient of the “2018 Community Citizen Award” which carried a cash prize of $500.
b. Sue Metzner, Annuals, provided an overview of the activities for 2018 and suggested plants for the 2019 pots, barrels and bridge containers. The membership agreed with Sue’s recommendations. The timing of closing the displays for this year was discussed and Maria Siskind will be responsible for notifying everyone of when the containers should be closed for the winter. (Recording Secretary’s note: this report was made at the conclusion of the remaining business).

10. PROGRAM CHAIR’S REPORT: Joan Wright reported that it was a very good year for programs: 2 workshops, 2 field trips, and 3 outside speakers including one meeting that was opened to the public and had a large number of community members in attendance. Joan commented that the field trips were particularly well received by the membership and encouraged consideration of additional field trips in future years.

11. COMMUNICATION CHAIR’S REPORT: Sue Pike advised that the website continues to be the most up-to- date source of Club information; added this year was a tab for the Annual Meeting reports. The 2018 Member Booklet was beautiful and was very well received. Sue reminded members to notify her of changes to their contact information.

12. PROPOSED BYLAW AMENDMENTS: the following changes to the Club bylaws were presented and discussed by the members:
a. Add “one or more as required by the membership” to Co-President(s).
b. Separate Civic Beautification into two Board positions with separate responsibilities with both as voting members.
c. Make Communication Chair a Board position with both internal and external responsibilities and revise description:
Communications: The Communications Chair serves as the Club’s source for maintaining and sharing information with members and the community at large. The Communications Chair shall oversee the Club website and assist with all electronic and print communications; solicit, collect, and store club photographs; maintain the list of club-owned equipment; maintain an accurate database of member contact information; and produce the Annual Membership Booklet.
d. Move Nominating Chair to non-Board/no Vote position and revise description to add the following: The past president(s) shall be invited to be members of the Nominating committee.
e. Add “As needed” to header for standing committees.
f. Change the definition of quorum for Executive Board meetings from “a majority” to “a minimum of half (50%)” in Article VIII. Following a motion and second, these amendments were approved by a vote of the members.

13. ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS FOR FY 2019: the following slate was presented to the membership. Following a motion and second, a unanimous vote approved these members are the 2019 Board.
President – Karen Pellegrini
Vice President – Maria Siskind
Recording Secretary – Susan Montiel
Corresponding Secretary – Anne Tiffany
Treasurer – Marilyn Faulkner
Committee Chairs
Civic Beautification (CB) – Annuals (Containers/Bridge) – Sue Metzner
Civic Beautification (CB) – Perennials (Field Park/Library Garden) – Elaine Neely
Membership/Outreach: a nomination was made from the floor naming Kathy McKnight and Lyn Rork
Programs – Linda Conway (committee members Patricia Siskind and Carol Oshinksy)
Communications – Susan Pike (assisted by Kathy McKnight)
Nominating: Carol Oshinsky (assisted by Judy Summers)

14. NEXT MEETING DATE: Tuesday, November 13, 1 pm, for a presentation by Lilian Jackman: Gardening Into the Future.

15. ADJOURNMENT: The formal meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm.

Submitted by,
Susan Montiel
Recording Secretary

Categories : Meeting Minutes

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